Sai siin veits mikide foorumites kolatud,
Minu ETC'l peaks olema FE3 vedrud ja väidavad, et kui nüüd panna FE1 amordid siis ei tohiks auto tegelikult pehmeks minna.
FE is all about spring rate:
FE1 = Soft Springs
FE3 = Stiffer Springs
F45 and F55 is for strut technology:
F45 is CVRSS (conventional fluid inside the struts, the flow is controls by valves - i.e. varies the obstruction)
F55 is Magnaride (magnetic fluid inside the struts, the flow is controlled by coils altering the fluid viscosity - i.e. constant obstruction but different viscosity)
You can have the following combinations:
FE1 w/o F45 or F55 (SLS, ESC, DHS)
FE1 w/ F45 (same as above)
FE3 w/F45 (STS, ETC and DTC)
FE3 w/F55 (late '02 and all 03 STS only) - recently also available on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini...
FE3 cars also come with two fron sway bar diamters: Sport (thicker) and Standard (same as FE1)
you could use FE3 springs or FE1 springs on an active strut -
and it won't change how the active strut works -
the ride will be firmer/harsher with the FE3 springs -
likewise -
you you could use FE3 springs or FE1 springs on a PASSIVE strut -
and it won't change how the passive strut works -
the ride will still be firmer/harsher with the FE3 springs -
Ei tahaks autot väga pehmeks.. Täna sõidan Lincoln Town Car'iga. See ikka bit too much

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